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CPP & Adjuvant Facility - Hampton, IA
Herbicide/Adjuvant Emulsifiable Concentrate Plants
North EC Formulation and Packaging Plant
- Four 6,000-gallon stainless steel computerized formulation vessels on load cells, all vessels jacketed with steam heating capabilities
- Production capacity of up to 60,000 gallons per 24 hours
- Ability to polish filter finished product
- Two fully automated 2.5-gallon bottle filling lines (one-gallon minimum container size)
- Packaging capacity of 10,000 to 20,000 gallons per filling line per eight-hour shift
- Automatic capping, heat induction sealing and labeling
- Video-Jet lot numbering of bottles and cartons
- Automatic case packing, hot melt glue sealing and palletizing
South EC Formulation and Packaging Plant
- Two 6,000-gallon stainless steel computerized formulation vessels on loadcells, all vessels jacketed with steam heating capabilities
- Production capacity of up to 24,000 gallons per 24 hours
- Ability to polish filter finished product
- Two semi-automated bottle filling lines specializing in small containers: pint, quart, half-gallon, one-gallon and 2.5-gallon container sizes
- Video-Jet lot numbering of bottles and cartons
- Hot melt glue and/or taping of cartons available
Special to both plants is a 500 sq. ft. steam-heated hot room for melting/heating solid/viscous materials
Bulk Liquid Storage and Terminaling
- Bulk tanks for lease
- Storage capacity: nearly 2.5 million gallons of indoor bulk liquid storage
- Electronic level indication
- Four bulk truck load-out stations (all covered and diked)
- Rail, Tank Truck & ISO Container Capabilities
Liquid Formulation and Packaging Plant
- 6,000-gallon stainless steel computerized formulation vessel on load cells
- Formulation vessel jacketed with heating and cooling capabilities
- Production capacity of up to 15,000 gallons per 24 hours
- Ability to polish filter finished product
- Fully automated 2.5-gallon bottle filling line (one gallon minimum container size)
- Packaging capacity of 6,000 to 10,000 gallons per eight-hour shift
- Automatic capping, heat induction sealing and labeling
- Video-Jet lot numbering of bottles and cartons
- Automatic case packing, tape sealing and labeling
- 200,000-gallon HDPE bulk storage with indoor truck scale and load out

Pilot Unit
Scale up operations from lab scale batches that would simulate actual production in our larger systems (6,000 gallons) mix tanks.
- 316 Stainless steel, coned bottom Pilot mix tank with up to a 50-gallon capacity. Optimal batch size is 35 to 45 gallons
- Mixing system is a 3-blade propeller Lightning mixer with a variable speed drive
- Platform scale that is capable of 1,000.0 lbs. and displays 0.1 lb. accuracy
- Sock filter housing that will 1 micron, 10 micron, 50 micron, and 100 micron filters
- Pilot tank is equipped with recirculation and a cleanout spray ball
- Both the recirculation pump and the mixer are connected to an analog to digital converter to measure amp draw